This bracelet is made with 8mm gemstone beads.
Howlite: Calming stone. Calms communication, facilitates awareness, and encourages emotional expression. Teaches patience, and eliminates rage, pain, and stress. Strengthens memory and stimulates desire for knowledge. Relieves insomnia.
Chyrsocollo: Communication stone. Inspires new beginnings. Discharges negative energies. Increases our capacity to love.
Blue and purple sea sediment Imperial Jasper: stone of stability. Powerful protection against things that are not good for you. Ease's emotional stress. Wonderful for helping one find inner peace, clarity, love, and compassion. An excellent stone for emotional healing. Supports during times of stress, bringing a sense of completeness and tranquility.
Ruby Kyanite: Helps to balance the mind and emotions, and it is especially helpful for those who suffer from anxiety or stress. Powerful tool for spiritual growth and inner healing. Opens and activates the chakras. Grounding stone, helps bring forth inner strength, courage, and wisdom, and provides emotional support during times of stress and difficulty.
- This bracelet has been cleansed, charged, blessed, and infused with Reiki
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